Autores: Rodríguez Gutiérrez Alberto, García Espinosa Elida Yolanda, Molina Ayala Mario Antonio, Ferreira Hermosillo Aldo
Metabolic syndrome prevalence has increased worldwide. In Mexico, it is 46% according to the criteria of the American Heart Association/ National Heart Blood and Lung Institute, but varies depending on the criteria used for its diagnosis. This syndrome is a well-documented cause of increased cardiovascular diseases like coronary heart disease or stroke as well as cardiovascular mortality. The main physiopathological mechanism involved in its development is the insulin resistance, whose definition seems to be simple, but it implies molecular changes at receptor, pre-receptor and post-receptor levels, caused by certain molecules as free fatty acids or cytokines secreted by adipose tissue in obese patients. The purpose of this review is to describe current definitions of metabolic syndrome as well as novel aspects of insulin secretion and theories about physiopathologic mechanisms for insulin resistance with special emphasis in molecular aspects.
Palabras clave: Metabolic syndrome obesity resistance to insulin.
2018-03-27 | 383 visitas | Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones
Vol. 5 Núm.1. Enero-Marzo 2018 Pags. 21-32 Rev Mex Endocrinol Metabol Nut 2018; 5(1)