Is SARS a global health hazard?

Autores: Cruz Martínez Elpidio, Hernández Rojas Ma. Eugenia


In mid November 2002 the World Health Organization (WHO) had received reports from China of high ly contagious and severe atypical pneumonia of unknown cause, and since mid February WHO has been working to confirm reports of this outbreak in Viet Nam, Hong Kong and continental China).1-3 On February 28, 2003 Dr. Carlo Urbani, an expert of communicable diseases of WHO, was the first to identify the outbreak of this new disease in an American businessman who had been admitted to a hospital in Hanoi. 4-7

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2003-06-12   |   806 visitas   |   Evalua este artículo 0 valoraciones

Vol. 17 Núm.2. Marzo-Abril 2003 Pags. 41-43 Rev Asoc Mex Med Crit Ter Int 2003; 17(2)